Package: CoopGame 0.2.2

CoopGame: Important Concepts of Cooperative Game Theory

The theory of cooperative games with transferable utility offers useful insights into the way parties can share gains from cooperation and secure sustainable agreements, see e.g. one of the books by Chakravarty, Mitra and Sarkar (2015, ISBN:978-1107058798) or by Driessen (1988, ISBN:978-9027727299) for more details. A comprehensive set of tools for cooperative game theory with transferable utility is provided. Users can create special families of cooperative games, like e.g. bankruptcy games, cost sharing games and weighted voting games. There are functions to check various game properties and to compute five different set-valued solution concepts for cooperative games. A large number of point-valued solution concepts is available reflecting the diverse application areas of cooperative game theory. Some of these point-valued solution concepts can be used to analyze weighted voting games and measure the influence of individual voters within a voting body. There are routines for visualizing both set-valued and point-valued solutions in the case of three or four players.

Authors:Jochen Staudacher [aut, cre, cph], Johannes Anwander [aut, cph], Alexandra Tiukkel [aut, cph], Michael Maerz [aut, cph], Franz Mueller [aut, cph], Daniel Gebele [aut, cph], Anna Merkle [aut, cph], Fatma Tokay [aut, cph], Kuebra Tokay [aut, cph], Nicole Cyl [aut, cph]

CoopGame.pdf |CoopGame.html
CoopGame/json (API)

# Install 'CoopGame' in R:
install.packages('CoopGame', repos = c('', ''))



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4.10 score 1 packages 424 scripts 336 downloads 170 exports 9 dependencies

Last updated 4 years agofrom:250940376f. Checks:1 OK, 7 WARNING. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 16 2025
R-4.5-winWARNINGFeb 16 2025
R-4.5-macWARNINGFeb 16 2025
R-4.5-linuxWARNINGFeb 16 2025
R-4.4-winWARNINGFeb 16 2025
R-4.4-macWARNINGFeb 16 2025
R-4.3-winWARNINGFeb 16 2025
R-4.3-macWARNINGFeb 16 2025



Using the R package CoopGame for the analysis, solution and visualization of cooperative games with transferable utility

Rendered fromUsingCoopGame.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 16 2025.

Last update: 2021-08-23
Started: 2019-03-19

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Compute absolute Public Good valueabsoluteHollerValue absolutePublicGoodValue
Compute absolute Public Help value ChiabsolutePublicHelpChiValue absolutePublicHelpValueChi absolutePublicHelpValueXi absolutePublicHelpXiValue
Compute absolute Public Help value ThetaabsolutePublicHelpThetaValue absolutePublicHelpValue absolutePublicHelpValueTheta
Construct an apex gameapexGame
Compute value of a coalition for an apex gameapexGameValue
Compute game vector for an apex gameapexGameVector
Construct a bankruptcy gamebankruptcyGame
Compute value of a coalition for a bankruptcy gamebankruptcyGameValue
Compute game vector for a bankruptcy gamebankruptcyGameVector
Compute Banzhaf valuebanzhafValue nonNormalizedBanzhafValue
Compute Barua Chakravarty Sarkar indexbaruaChakravartySarkarIndex
Check if point is core elementbelongsToCore
Check if point is core cover elementbelongsToCoreCover
Check if point is imputationbelongsToImputationset
Check if point is element of reasonable setbelongsToReasonableSet
Check if point is element of Weber SetbelongsToWeberset
Construct a cardinality gamecardinalityGame
Compute value of a coalition for a cardinality gamecardinalityGameValue
Compute game vector for a cardinality gamecardinalityGameVector
Compute centroid of corecentroidCore
Compute centroid of the core covercentroidCoreCover
Compute centroid of the imputation setcentroidImputationSet
Compute centroid of reasonable setcentroidReasonableSet
Compute centroid of Weber setcentroidWeberSet
Compute Coleman Power index of a Collectivity to ActcolemanCollectivityPowerIndex
Compute Coleman Initiative Power indexcolemanInitiativePowerIndex
Compute Coleman Preventive Power indexcolemanPreventivePowerIndex
Compute core cover verticescoreCoverVertices
Compute core verticescoreVertices
Construct a cost sharing gamecostSharingGame
Compute value of a coalition for a cost gamecostSharingGameValue
Compute game vector for a cost sharing gamecostSharingGameVector
create bit matrixcreateBitMatrix
Compute Deegan-Packel indexdeeganPackelIndex
Construct a dictator gamedictatorGame
Compute value of a coalition for a dictator gamedictatorGameValue
Compute game vector for a dictator gamedictatorGameVector
Compute disruption nucleolusdisruptionNucleolus
Construct a divide-the-dollar gamedivideTheDollarGame
Compute value of a coalition for a divide-the-dollar gamedivideTheDollarGameValue
Compute game vector for a divide-the-dollar gamedivideTheDollarGameVector
draw centroid of the core for 3 or 4 playersdrawCentroidCore
draw centroid of core cover for 3 or 4 playersdrawCentroidCoreCover
draw centroid of imputation set for 3 or 4 playersdrawCentroidImputationSet
draw centroid of reasonable set for 3 or 4 playersdrawCentroidReasonableSet
draw centroid of Weber set for 3 or 4 playersdrawCentroidWeberSet
Draw core for 3 or 4 playersdrawCore
Draw core cover for 3 or 4 playersdrawCoreCover
draw Deegan-Packel index for 3 or 4 playersdrawDeeganPackelIndex
draw disruption nucleolus for 3 or 4 playersdrawDisruptionNucleolus
draw Gately point for 3 or 4 playersdrawGatelyValue
Draw imputation set for 3 or 4 playersdrawImputationSet drawImputationset
Draw Johnston index for 3 or 4 playersdrawJohnstonIndex
Draw modiclus for 3 or 4 playersdrawModiclus
draw normalized Banzhaf Index for 3 or 4 playersdrawNormalizedBanzhafIndex
draw normalized Banzhaf value for 3 or 4 playersdrawNormalizedBanzhafValue
Draw nucleolus for 3 or 4 playersdrawNucleolus
Draw per capita nucleolus for 3 or 4 playersdrawPerCapitaNucleolus
Draw prenucleolus for 3 or 4 playersdrawPrenucleolus
Draw proportional nucleolus for 3 or 4 playersdrawProportionalNucleolus
Draw Public Good index for 3 or 4 playersdrawPublicGoodIndex
Draw Public Good value for 3 or 4 playersdrawPublicGoodValue
Draw Public Help index Chi for 3 or 4 playersdrawPublicHelpChiIndex
Draw Public Help value Chi for 3 or 4 playersdrawPublicHelpChiValue
Draw Public Help index Theta for 3 or 4 playersdrawPublicHelpIndex
Draw Public Help value Theta for 3 or 4 playersdrawPublicHelpValue
Draw reasonable set for 3 or 4 playersdrawReasonableSet
Draw Shapley-Shubik index for 3 or 4 playersdrawShapleyShubikIndex
Draw Shapley value for 3 or 4 playersdrawShapleyValue
Draw simplified modiclus for 3 or 4 playersdrawSimplifiedModiclus
Draw tau-value for 3 or 4 playersdrawTauValue drawTijsValue
Draw Weber Set for 3 or 4 playersdrawWeberset
Compute equal propensity to disruptequalPropensityToDisrupt
Compute Gately pointgatelyPoint gatelyValue
Compute critical coalitions of a player for simple gamesgetCriticalCoalitionsOfPlayer
Compute dual game vectorgetDualGameVector
getEmptyParamCheckResult for generating stucture according to parameter check resultsgetEmptyParamCheckResult
Compute excess coefficientsgetExcessCoefficients
Compute gaining coalitions of a TU gamegetGainingCoalitions
Compute gap function coefficientsgetGapFunctionCoefficients
Compute k-cover of gamegetkCover
Compute marginal contributionsgetMarginalContributions
Compute minimal rights vectorgetMinimalRights getMinimalRightsVector
Compute minimal winning coalitions in a simple gamegetMinimalWinningCoalitions getMinimumWinningCoalitions
Get number of playersgetNumberOfPlayers
Compute per capita excess coefficientsgetPerCapitaExcessCoefficients
Extract players from bit vectorgetPlayersFromBitVector
Extract players from bit matrix rowgetPlayersFromBMRow
Compute real gaining coalitions of gamegetRealGainingCoalitions
Compute unanimity coefficients of gamegetHarsanyiDividends getUnanimityCoefficients
Compute utopia payoff vector of gamegetUtopiaPayoff getUtopiaPayoffVector
Compute vector of propensities to disruptgetVectorOfPropensitiesToDisrupt
Compute winning coalitions in a simple gamegetWinningCoalitions
Compute 0-normalized game vectorgetZeroNormalizedGameVector
Compute 0-1-normalized game vectorgetZeroOneNormalizedGameVector
Construct a glove gamegloveGame
Compute value of a coalition for a glove gamegloveGameValue
Compute game vector for glove gamegloveGameVector
Compute vertices of imputation setimputationSetVertices imputationsetVertices
Check if game is 1-Convexis1ConvexGame
Check if game is additiveisAdditiveGame
Check if game is balancedisBalancedGame
Check if game is constant-sumisConstantSumGame isConstantsumGame
Check if game is convexisConvexGame
Check if game is degenerateisDegenerateGame isInEssentialGame isInessentialGame
Check if game is essentialisEssentialGame
Check if game is k-ConvexiskConvexGame
Check if game is monotonicisMonotonicGame
Check if game is nonnegativeisNonnegativeGame
Check if game is quasi-balancedisQuasiBalancedGame
Check if game is semiconvexisSemiConvexGame
Check if game is simpleisSimpleGame
Check if game is superadditiveisSuperAdditiveGame isSuperadditiveGame
Check if game is symmetricisSymmetricGame
Check if game is weakly constant-sumisWeaklyConstantSumGame isWeaklyConstantsumGame
Check if game is weakly superadditiveisWeaklySuperAdditiveGame isWeaklySuperadditiveGame isZeroMonotonicGame
Compute Johnston indexjohnstonIndex
Compute Koenig-Braeuninger indexkoenigBraeuningerIndex
Construct a weighted majority game with a single veto playermajoritySingleVetoGame
Compute value of a coalition for a weighted majority game with a single veto playermajoritySingleVetoGameValue
Compute game vector for a weighted majority game with a single veto playermajoritySingleVetoGameVector
Compute modiclusmodiclus
Compute Nevison indexnevisonIndex
Compute non-normalized Banzhaf indexnonNormalizedBanzhafIndex
Compute normalized Banzhaf indexnormalizedBanzhafIndex
Compute normalized Banzhaf valuenormalizedBanzhafValue
Compute nucleolusnucleolus
Compute per capita nucleolusperCapitaNucleolus
Compute prenucleolusPrenucleolus prenucleolus
Compute propensity to disruptpropensityToDisrupt
Compute proportional nucleolusproportionalNucleolus
Compute Public Good indexhollerIndex publicGoodIndex
Compute (normalized) Public Good valuehollerValue publicGoodValue
Compute Public Help index ChipublicHelpChiIndex publicHelpIndexChi publicHelpIndexXi publicHelpXiIndex
Compute (normalized) Public Help value ChipublicHelpChiValue publicHelpValueChi publicHelpValueXi publicHelpXiValue
Compute Public Help index ThetapublicHelpIndex publicHelpIndexTheta publicHelpThetaIndex
Compute Public Help value ThetapublicHelpThetaValue publicHelpValue publicHelpValueTheta
Compute Rae indexraeIndex
Compute raw Banzhaf IndexrawBanzhafIndex
Compute raw Banzhaf ValuerawBanzhafValue
Compute vertices of reasonable setreasonableSetVertices
Compute Shapley-Shubik indexshapleyShubikIndex
Compute Shapley valueshapleyValue
Compute simplified modiclussimplifiedModiclus
Parameter Function stopOnInconsistentEstateAndClaimsVectorstopOnInconsistentEstateAndClaimsVector
Parameter Function stopOnInvalidAllocationstopOnInvalidAllocation
Parameter Function stopOnInvalidBooleanstopOnInvalidBoolean
Parameter Function stopOnInvalidClaimsVectorstopOnInvalidClaimsVector
Parameter Function stopOnInvalidCoalitionSstopOnInvalidCoalitionS
Parameter Function stopOnInvalidDictatorstopOnInvalidDictator
Parameter Function stopOnInvalidEstatestopOnInvalidEstate
Parameter Function stopOnInvalidGameVectorstopOnInvalidGameVector
Parameter Function stopOnInvalidGrandCoalitionNstopOnInvalidGrandCoalitionN
Parameter Function stopOnInvalidIndexstopOnInvalidIndex
Parameter Function stopOnInvalidLeftRightGloveGamestopOnInvalidLeftRightGloveGame
Parameter Function stopOnInvalidNChooseBstopOnInvalidNChooseB
Parameter Function stopOnInvalidNumberstopOnInvalidNumber
Parameter Function stopOnInvalidNumberOfPlayersstopOnInvalidNumberOfPlayers
Parameter Function stopOnInvalidQuotastopOnInvalidQuota
Parameter Function stopOnInvalidVetoPlayerstopOnInvalidVetoPlayer
Parameter Function stopOnInvalidWeightVectorstopOnInvalidWeightVector
stopOnParamCheckError - stop and create error message on errorstopOnParamCheckError
Compute tau-valuetauValue tijsValue
Construct a unanimity gameunanimityGame
Compute value of a coalition for a unanimity gameunanimityGameValue
Compute game vector for a unanimity gameunanimityGameVector
Compute vertices of Weber SetwebersetVertices
Construct a weighted voting gamequotaGame weightedVotingGame
Compute value of a coalition for a weighted voting gamequotaGameValue weightedVotingGameValue
Compute game vector for a weighted voting game (aka quota game)quotaGameVector weightedVotingGameVector